Source code for healpy.pixelfunc

#  This file is part of Healpy.
#  Healpy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  Healpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with Healpy; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
#  For more information about Healpy, see
===================================================== : Healpix pixelization related functions

This module provides functions related to Healpix pixelization scheme.

conversion from/to sky coordinates

- :func:`pix2ang` converts pixel number to angular coordinates
- :func:`pix2vec` converts pixel number to unit 3-vector direction
- :func:`ang2pix` converts angular coordinates to pixel number
- :func:`vec2pix` converts 3-vector to pixel number
- :func:`vec2ang` converts 3-vector to angular coordinates
- :func:`ang2vec` converts angular coordinates to unit 3-vector
- :func:`pix2xyf` converts pixel number to coordinates within face
- :func:`xyf2pix` converts coordinates within face to pixel number
- :func:`get_interp_weights` returns the 4 nearest pixels for given
  angular coordinates and the relative weights for interpolation
- :func:`get_all_neighbours` return the 8 nearest pixels for given
  angular coordinates

conversion between NESTED and RING schemes

- :func:`nest2ring` converts NESTED scheme pixel numbers to RING
  scheme pixel number
- :func:`ring2nest` converts RING scheme pixel number to NESTED
  scheme pixel number
- :func:`reorder` reorders a healpix map pixels from one scheme to another


- :func:`nside2npix` converts healpix nside parameter to number of pixel
- :func:`npix2nside` converts number of pixel to healpix nside parameter
- :func:`nside2order` converts nside to order
- :func:`order2nside` converts order to nside
- :func:`nside2resol` converts nside to mean angular resolution
- :func:`nside2pixarea` converts nside to pixel area
- :func:`isnsideok` checks the validity of nside
- :func:`isnpixok` checks the validity of npix
- :func:`get_map_size` gives the number of pixel of a map
- :func:`get_min_valid_nside` gives the minimum nside possible for a given
  number of pixel
- :func:`get_nside` returns the nside of a map
- :func:`maptype` checks the type of a map (one map or sequence of maps)
- :func:`ud_grade` upgrades or degrades the resolution (nside) of a map

Masking pixels

- :const:`UNSEEN` is a constant value interpreted as a masked pixel
- :func:`mask_bad` returns a map with ``True`` where map is :const:`UNSEEN`
- :func:`mask_good` returns a map with ``False`` where map is :const:`UNSEEN`
- :func:`ma` returns a masked array as map, with mask given by :func:`mask_bad`

Map data manipulation

- :func:`fit_dipole` fits a monopole+dipole on the map
- :func:`fit_monopole` fits a monopole on the map
- :func:`remove_dipole` fits and removes a monopole+dipole from the map
- :func:`remove_monopole` fits and remove a monopole from the map
- :func:`get_interp_val` computes a bilinear interpolation of the map
  at given angular coordinates, using 4 nearest neighbours

import numpy as np
from functools import wraps
import warnings


    from . import _healpy_pixel_lib as pixlib

    #: Special value used for masked pixels
    UNSEEN = pixlib.UNSEEN
    warnings.warn("Warning: cannot import _healpy_pixel_lib module")

# We are using 64-bit integer types.
# nside > 2**29 requires extended integer types.
max_nside = 1 << 29

__all__ = [

def check_theta_valid(theta):
    """Raises exception if theta is not within 0 and pi"""
    theta = np.asarray(theta)
    if not ((theta >= 0).all() and (theta <= np.pi + 1e-5).all()):
        raise ValueError("THETA is out of range [0,pi]")

def lonlat2thetaphi(lon, lat):
    """ Transform longitude and latitude (deg) into co-latitude and longitude (rad)

    lon : int or array-like
      Longitude in degrees
    lat : int or array-like
      Latitude in degrees

    theta, phi : float, scalar or array-like
      The co-latitude and longitude in radians
    return np.pi / 2.0 - np.radians(lat), np.radians(lon)

def thetaphi2lonlat(theta, phi):
    """ Transform co-latitude and longitude (rad) into longitude and latitude (deg)

    theta : int or array-like
      Co-latitude in radians
    phi : int or array-like
      Longitude in radians

    lon, lat : float, scalar or array-like
      The longitude and latitude in degrees
    return np.degrees(phi), 90.0 - np.degrees(theta)

def maptype(m):
    """Describe the type of the map (valid, single, sequence of maps).
    Checks : the number of maps, that all maps have same length and that this
    length is a valid map size (using :func:`isnpixok`).

    m : sequence
      the map to get info from

    info : int
      -1 if the given object is not a valid map, 0 if it is a single map,
      *info* > 0 if it is a sequence of maps (*info* is then the number of

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> hp.pixelfunc.maptype(np.arange(12))
    >>> hp.pixelfunc.maptype([np.arange(12), np.arange(12)])
    if not hasattr(m, "__len__"):
        raise TypeError("input map is a scalar")
    if len(m) == 0:
        raise TypeError("input map has length zero")

        npix = len(m[0])
    except TypeError:
        npix = None

    if npix is not None:
        for mm in m[1:]:
            if len(mm) != npix:
                raise TypeError("input maps have different npix")
        if isnpixok(len(m[0])):
            return len(m)
            raise TypeError("bad number of pixels")
        if isnpixok(len(m)):
            return 0
            raise TypeError("bad number of pixels")

def ma_to_array(m):
    """Converts a masked array or a list of masked arrays to filled numpy arrays

    m : a map (may be a sequence of maps)

    m : filled map or tuple of filled maps

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> m =[2., 2., 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
    >>> m.mask = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.bool)
    >>> print([1]) # data is not affected by mask
    >>> print(m[1]) # shows that the value is masked
    >>> print(ma_to_array(m)[1]) # filled array, masked values replace by UNSEEN

        return m.filled()
    except AttributeError:
            return np.array([mm.filled() for mm in m])
        except AttributeError:
    return m

def is_ma(m):
    """Converts a masked array or a list of masked arrays to filled numpy arrays

    m : a map (may be a sequence of maps)

    is_ma : bool
        whether the input map was a ma or not
    return hasattr(m, "filled") or hasattr(m[0], "filled")

def accept_ma(f):
    """Wraps a function in order to convert the input map from
    a masked to a regular numpy array, and convert back the
    output from a regular array to a masked array"""

    def wrapper(map_in, *args, **kwds):
        return_ma = is_ma(map_in)
        m = ma_to_array(map_in)
        out = f(m, *args, **kwds)
        return ma(out) if return_ma else out

    return wrapper

def mask_bad(m, badval=UNSEEN, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-8):
    """Returns a bool array with ``True`` where m is close to badval.

    m : a map (may be a sequence of maps)
    badval : float, optional
        The value of the pixel considered as bad (:const:`UNSEEN` by default)
    rtol : float, optional
        The relative tolerance
    atol : float, optional
        The absolute tolerance

      a bool array with the same shape as the input map, ``True`` where input map is
      close to badval, and ``False`` elsewhere.

    See Also
    mask_good, ma

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> m = np.arange(12.)
    >>> m[3] = hp.UNSEEN
    >>> hp.mask_bad(m)
    array([False, False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False,
           False, False, False], dtype=bool)
    m = np.asarray(m)
    atol = np.absolute(atol)
    rtol = np.absolute(rtol)
    return np.absolute(m - badval) <= atol + rtol * np.absolute(badval)

def mask_good(m, badval=UNSEEN, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-8):
    """Returns a bool array with ``False`` where m is close to badval.

    m : a map (may be a sequence of maps)
    badval : float, optional
        The value of the pixel considered as bad (:const:`UNSEEN` by default)
    rtol : float, optional
        The relative tolerance
    atol : float, optional
        The absolute tolerance

    a bool array with the same shape as the input map, ``False`` where input map is
    close to badval, and ``True`` elsewhere.

    See Also
    mask_bad, ma

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> m = np.arange(12.)
    >>> m[3] = hp.UNSEEN
    >>> hp.mask_good(m)
    array([ True,  True,  True, False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
            True,  True,  True], dtype=bool)
    m = np.asarray(m)
    atol = np.absolute(atol)
    rtol = np.absolute(rtol)
    return np.absolute(m - badval) > atol + rtol * np.absolute(badval)

def ma(m, badval=UNSEEN, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8, copy=True):
    """Return map as a masked array, with ``badval`` pixels masked.

    m : a map (may be a sequence of maps)
    badval : float, optional
        The value of the pixel considered as bad (:const:`UNSEEN` by default)
    rtol : float, optional
        The relative tolerance
    atol : float, optional
        The absolute tolerance
    copy : bool, optional
        If ``True``, a copy of the input map is made.

    a masked array with the same shape as the input map,
    masked where input map is close to badval.

    See Also
    mask_good, mask_bad,

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> m = np.arange(12.)
    >>> m[3] = hp.UNSEEN
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 2.0 -- 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0],
                 mask = [False False False  True False False False False False False False False],
           fill_value = -1.6375e+30)
    return, badval, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, copy=copy)

def ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False, lonlat=False):
    """ang2pix : nside,theta[rad],phi[rad],nest=False,lonlat=False -> ipix (default:RING)

    nside : int, scalar or array-like
      The healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30
    theta, phi : float, scalars or array-like
      Angular coordinates of a point on the sphere
    nest : bool, optional
      if True, assume NESTED pixel ordering, otherwise, RING pixel ordering
    lonlat : bool
      If True, input angles are assumed to be longitude and latitude in degree,
      otherwise, they are co-latitude and longitude in radians.

    pix : int or array of int
      The healpix pixel numbers. Scalar if all input are scalar, array otherwise.
      Usual numpy broadcasting rules apply.

    See Also
    pix2ang, pix2vec, vec2pix

    Note that some of the test inputs below that are on pixel boundaries
    such as theta=pi/2, phi=pi/2, have a tiny value of 1e-15 added to them
    to make them reproducible on i386 machines using x87 floating point
    instruction set (see

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> hp.ang2pix(16, np.pi/2, 0)

    >>> print(hp.ang2pix(16, [np.pi/2, np.pi/4, np.pi/2, 0, np.pi], [0., np.pi/4, np.pi/2 + 1e-15, 0, 0]))
    [1440  427 1520    0 3068]

    >>> print(hp.ang2pix(16, np.pi/2, [0, np.pi/2 + 1e-15]))
    [1440 1520]

    >>> print(hp.ang2pix([1, 2, 4, 8, 16], np.pi/2, 0))
    [   4   12   72  336 1440]

    >>> print(hp.ang2pix([1, 2, 4, 8, 16], 0, 0, lonlat=True))
    [   4   12   72  336 1440]

    check_nside(nside, nest=nest)

    if lonlat:
        theta, phi = lonlat2thetaphi(theta, phi)
    check_nside(nside, nest=nest)
    if nest:
        return pixlib._ang2pix_nest(nside, theta, phi)
        return pixlib._ang2pix_ring(nside, theta, phi)

def pix2ang(nside, ipix, nest=False, lonlat=False):
    """pix2ang : nside,ipix,nest=False,lonlat=False -> theta[rad],phi[rad] (default RING)

    nside : int or array-like
      The healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30
    ipix : int or array-like
      Pixel indices
    nest : bool, optional
      if True, assume NESTED pixel ordering, otherwise, RING pixel ordering
    lonlat : bool, optional
      If True, return angles will be longitude and latitude in degree,
      otherwise, angles will be co-latitude and longitude in radians (default)

    theta, phi : float, scalar or array-like
      The angular coordinates corresponding to ipix. Scalar if all input
      are scalar, array otherwise. Usual numpy broadcasting rules apply.

    See Also
    ang2pix, vec2pix, pix2vec

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> hp.pix2ang(16, 1440)
    (1.5291175943723188, 0.0)

    >>> hp.pix2ang(16, [1440,  427, 1520,    0, 3068])
    (array([ 1.52911759,  0.78550497,  1.57079633,  0.05103658,  3.09055608]), array([ 0.        ,  0.78539816,  1.61988371,  0.78539816,  0.78539816]))

    >>> hp.pix2ang([1, 2, 4, 8], 11)
    (array([ 2.30052398,  0.84106867,  0.41113786,  0.2044802 ]), array([ 5.49778714,  5.89048623,  5.89048623,  5.89048623]))

    >>> hp.pix2ang([1, 2, 4, 8], 11, lonlat=True)
    (array([ 315. ,  337.5,  337.5,  337.5]), array([-41.8103149 ,  41.8103149 ,  66.44353569,  78.28414761]))
    check_nside(nside, nest=nest)
    if nest:
        theta, phi = pixlib._pix2ang_nest(nside, ipix)
        theta, phi = pixlib._pix2ang_ring(nside, ipix)

    if lonlat:
        return thetaphi2lonlat(theta, phi)
        return theta, phi

def xyf2pix(nside, x, y, face, nest=False):
    """xyf2pix : nside,x,y,face,nest=False -> ipix (default:RING)

    nside : int, scalar or array-like
      The healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2
    x, y : int, scalars or array-like
      Pixel indices within face
    face : int, scalars or array-like
      Face number
    nest : bool, optional
      if True, assume NESTED pixel ordering, otherwise, RING pixel ordering

    pix : int or array of int
      The healpix pixel numbers. Scalar if all input are scalar, array otherwise.
      Usual numpy broadcasting rules apply.

    See Also

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> hp.xyf2pix(16, 8, 8, 4)

    >>> print(hp.xyf2pix(16, [8, 8, 8, 15, 0], [8, 8, 7, 15, 0], [4, 0, 5, 0, 8]))
    [1440  427 1520    0 3068]
    check_nside(nside, nest=nest)
    if nest:
        return pixlib._xyf2pix_nest(nside, x, y, face)
        return pixlib._xyf2pix_ring(nside, x, y, face)

def pix2xyf(nside, ipix, nest=False):
    """pix2xyf : nside,ipix,nest=False -> x,y,face (default RING)

    nside : int or array-like
      The healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2
    ipix : int or array-like
      Pixel indices
    nest : bool, optional
      if True, assume NESTED pixel ordering, otherwise, RING pixel ordering

    x, y : int, scalars or array-like
      Pixel indices within face
    face : int, scalars or array-like
      Face number

    See Also

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> hp.pix2xyf(16, 1440)
    (8, 8, 4)

    >>> hp.pix2xyf(16, [1440,  427, 1520,    0, 3068])
    (array([ 8,  8,  8, 15,  0]), array([ 8,  8,  7, 15,  0]), array([4, 0, 5, 0, 8]))

    >>> hp.pix2xyf([1, 2, 4, 8], 11)
    (array([0, 1, 3, 7]), array([0, 0, 2, 6]), array([11,  3,  3,  3]))
    check_nside(nside, nest=nest)
    if nest:
        return pixlib._pix2xyf_nest(nside, ipix)
        return pixlib._pix2xyf_ring(nside, ipix)

def vec2pix(nside, x, y, z, nest=False):
    """vec2pix : nside,x,y,z,nest=False -> ipix (default:RING)

    nside : int or array-like
      The healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30
    x,y,z : floats or array-like
      vector coordinates defining point on the sphere
    nest : bool, optional
      if True, assume NESTED pixel ordering, otherwise, RING pixel ordering

    ipix : int, scalar or array-like
      The healpix pixel number corresponding to input vector. Scalar if all input
      are scalar, array otherwise. Usual numpy broadcasting rules apply.

    See Also
    ang2pix, pix2ang, pix2vec

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> hp.vec2pix(16, 1, 0, 0)

    >>> print(hp.vec2pix(16, [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]))
    [1504 1520]

    >>> print(hp.vec2pix([1, 2, 4, 8], 1, 0, 0))
    [  4  20  88 368]
    if nest:
        return pixlib._vec2pix_nest(nside, x, y, z)
        return pixlib._vec2pix_ring(nside, x, y, z)

def pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest=False):
    """pix2vec : nside,ipix,nest=False -> x,y,z (default RING)

    nside : int, scalar or array-like
      The healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30
    ipix : int, scalar or array-like
      Healpix pixel number
    nest : bool, optional
      if True, assume NESTED pixel ordering, otherwise, RING pixel ordering

    x, y, z : floats, scalar or array-like
      The coordinates of vector corresponding to input pixels. Scalar if all input
      are scalar, array otherwise. Usual numpy broadcasting rules apply.

    See Also
    ang2pix, pix2ang, vec2pix

    >>> import healpy as hp
    >>> hp.pix2vec(16, 1504)
    (0.99879545620517241, 0.049067674327418015, 0.0)

    >>> hp.pix2vec(16, [1440,  427])
    (array([ 0.99913157,  0.5000534 ]), array([ 0.       ,  0.5000534]), array([ 0.04166667,  0.70703125]))

    >>> hp.pix2vec([1, 2], 11)
    (array([ 0.52704628,  0.68861915]), array([-0.52704628, -0.28523539]), array([-0.66666667,  0.66666667]))
    check_nside(nside, nest=nest)
    if nest:
        return pixlib._pix2vec_nest(nside, ipix)
        return pixlib._pix2vec_ring(nside, ipix)

[docs]def ang2vec(theta, phi, lonlat=False): """ang2vec : convert angles to 3D position vector Parameters ---------- theta : float, scalar or arry-like colatitude in radians measured southward from north pole (in [0,pi]). phi : float, scalar or array-like longitude in radians measured eastward (in [0, 2*pi]). lonlat : bool If True, input angles are assumed to be longitude and latitude in degree, otherwise, they are co-latitude and longitude in radians. Returns ------- vec : float, array if theta and phi are vectors, the result is a 2D array with a vector per row otherwise, it is a 1D array of shape (3,) See Also -------- vec2ang, rotator.dir2vec, rotator.vec2dir """ if lonlat: theta, phi = lonlat2thetaphi(theta, phi) check_theta_valid(theta) sintheta = np.sin(theta) return np.array([sintheta * np.cos(phi), sintheta * np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta)]).T
[docs]def vec2ang(vectors, lonlat=False): """vec2ang: vectors [x, y, z] -> theta[rad], phi[rad] Parameters ---------- vectors : float, array-like the vector(s) to convert, shape is (3,) or (N, 3) lonlat : bool, optional If True, return angles will be longitude and latitude in degree, otherwise, angles will be co-latitude and longitude in radians (default) Returns ------- theta, phi : float, tuple of two arrays the colatitude and longitude in radians See Also -------- ang2vec, rotator.vec2dir, rotator.dir2vec """ vectors = vectors.reshape(-1, 3) dnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(vectors), axis=1)) theta = np.arccos(vectors[:, 2] / dnorm) phi = np.arctan2(vectors[:, 1], vectors[:, 0]) phi[phi < 0] += 2 * np.pi if lonlat: return thetaphi2lonlat(theta, phi) else: return theta, phi
def ring2nest(nside, ipix): """Convert pixel number from RING ordering to NESTED ordering. Parameters ---------- nside : int, scalar or array-like the healpix nside parameter ipix : int, scalar or array-like the pixel number in RING scheme Returns ------- ipix : int, scalar or array-like the pixel number in NESTED scheme See Also -------- nest2ring, reorder Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.ring2nest(16, 1504) 1130 >>> print(hp.ring2nest(2, np.arange(10))) [ 3 7 11 15 2 1 6 5 10 9] >>> print(hp.ring2nest([1, 2, 4, 8], 11)) [ 11 13 61 253] """ check_nside(nside, nest=True) return pixlib._ring2nest(nside, ipix) def nest2ring(nside, ipix): """Convert pixel number from NESTED ordering to RING ordering. Parameters ---------- nside : int, scalar or array-like the healpix nside parameter ipix : int, scalar or array-like the pixel number in NESTED scheme Returns ------- ipix : int, scalar or array-like the pixel number in RING scheme See Also -------- ring2nest, reorder Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.nest2ring(16, 1130) 1504 >>> print(hp.nest2ring(2, np.arange(10))) [13 5 4 0 15 7 6 1 17 9] >>> print(hp.nest2ring([1, 2, 4, 8], 11)) [ 11 2 12 211] """ check_nside(nside, nest=True) return pixlib._nest2ring(nside, ipix) @accept_ma def reorder(map_in, inp=None, out=None, r2n=None, n2r=None): """Reorder a healpix map from RING/NESTED ordering to NESTED/RING Parameters ---------- map_in : array-like the input map to reorder, accepts masked arrays inp, out : ``'RING'`` or ``'NESTED'`` define the input and output ordering r2n : bool if True, reorder from RING to NESTED n2r : bool if True, reorder from NESTED to RING Returns ------- map_out : array-like the reordered map, as masked array if the input was a masked array Notes ----- if ``r2n`` or ``n2r`` is defined, override ``inp`` and ``out``. See Also -------- nest2ring, ring2nest Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.reorder(np.arange(48), r2n = True) array([13, 5, 4, 0, 15, 7, 6, 1, 17, 9, 8, 2, 19, 11, 10, 3, 28, 20, 27, 12, 30, 22, 21, 14, 32, 24, 23, 16, 34, 26, 25, 18, 44, 37, 36, 29, 45, 39, 38, 31, 46, 41, 40, 33, 47, 43, 42, 35]) >>> hp.reorder(np.arange(12), n2r = True) array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) >>> hp.reorder(, n2r = True) masked_array(data = [ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.], mask = False, fill_value = -1.6375e+30) <BLANKLINE> >>> m = [np.arange(12.), np.arange(12.), np.arange(12.)] >>> m[0][2] = hp.UNSEEN >>> m[1][2] = hp.UNSEEN >>> m[2][2] = hp.UNSEEN >>> m = >>> hp.reorder(m, n2r = True) masked_array(data = [[0.0 1.0 -- 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0] [0.0 1.0 -- 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0] [0.0 1.0 -- 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0]], mask = [[False False True False False False False False False False False False] [False False True False False False False False False False False False] [False False True False False False False False False False False False]], fill_value = -1.6375e+30) <BLANKLINE> """ typ = maptype(map_in) if typ == 0: npix = len(map_in) else: npix = len(map_in[0]) nside = npix2nside(npix) if nside > 128: bunchsize = npix // 24 else: bunchsize = npix if r2n: inp = "RING" out = "NEST" if n2r: inp = "NEST" out = "RING" inp = str(inp).upper()[0:4] out = str(out).upper()[0:4] if inp not in ["RING", "NEST"] or out not in ["RING", "NEST"]: raise ValueError("inp and out must be either RING or NEST") if typ == 0: mapin = [map_in] else: mapin = map_in mapout = [] for m_in in mapin: if inp == out: mapout.append(m_in) elif inp == "RING": m_out = np.zeros(npix, dtype=type(m_in[0])) for ibunch in range(npix // bunchsize): ipix_n = np.arange(ibunch * bunchsize, (ibunch + 1) * bunchsize) ipix_r = nest2ring(nside, ipix_n) m_out[ipix_n] = np.asarray(m_in)[ipix_r] mapout.append(m_out) elif inp == "NEST": m_out = np.zeros(npix, dtype=type(m_in[0])) for ibunch in range(npix // bunchsize): ipix_r = np.arange(ibunch * bunchsize, (ibunch + 1) * bunchsize) ipix_n = ring2nest(nside, ipix_r) m_out[ipix_r] = np.asarray(m_in)[ipix_n] mapout.append(m_out) if typ == 0: return mapout[0] else: return np.array(mapout) def nside2npix(nside): """Give the number of pixels for the given nside. Parameters ---------- nside : int healpix nside parameter Returns ------- npix : int corresponding number of pixels Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> import numpy as np >>> hp.nside2npix(8) 768 >>> np.all([hp.nside2npix(nside) == 12 * nside**2 for nside in [2**n for n in range(12)]]) True >>> hp.nside2npix(7) 588 """ return 12 * nside * nside def nside2order(nside): """Give the resolution order for a given nside. Parameters ---------- nside : int healpix nside parameter; an exception is raised if nside is not valid (nside must be a power of 2, less than 2**30) Returns ------- order : int corresponding order where nside = 2**(order) Notes ----- Raise a ValueError exception if nside is not valid. Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> import numpy as np >>> hp.nside2order(128) 7 >>> np.all([hp.nside2order(2**o) == o for o in range(30)]) True >>> hp.nside2order(7) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 7 is not a valid nside parameter (must be a power of 2, less than 2**30) """ check_nside(nside, nest=True) return len("{0:b}".format(nside)) - 1 def nside2resol(nside, arcmin=False): """Give approximate resolution (pixel size in radian or arcmin) for nside. Resolution is just the square root of the pixel area, which is a gross approximation given the different pixel shapes Parameters ---------- nside : int healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30 arcmin : bool if True, return resolution in arcmin, otherwise in radian Returns ------- resol : float approximate pixel size in radians or arcmin Notes ----- Raise a ValueError exception if nside is not valid. Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.nside2resol(128, arcmin = True) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 27.483891294539248 >>> hp.nside2resol(256) 0.0039973699529159707 >>> hp.nside2resol(7) 0.1461895297066412 """ resol = np.sqrt(nside2pixarea(nside)) if arcmin: resol = np.rad2deg(resol) * 60 return resol def nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=False): """Give pixel area given nside in square radians or square degrees. Parameters ---------- nside : int healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30 degrees : bool if True, returns pixel area in square degrees, in square radians otherwise Returns ------- pixarea : float pixel area in square radian or square degree Notes ----- Raise a ValueError exception if nside is not valid. Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.nside2pixarea(128, degrees = True) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 0.2098234113027917 >>> hp.nside2pixarea(256) 1.5978966540475428e-05 >>> hp.nside2pixarea(7) 0.021371378595848933 """ pixarea = 4 * np.pi / nside2npix(nside) if degrees: pixarea = np.rad2deg(np.rad2deg(pixarea)) return pixarea def npix2nside(npix): """Give the nside parameter for the given number of pixels. Parameters ---------- npix : int the number of pixels Returns ------- nside : int the nside parameter corresponding to npix Notes ----- Raise a ValueError exception if number of pixel does not correspond to the number of pixel of a healpix map. Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.npix2nside(768) 8 >>> np.all([hp.npix2nside(12 * nside**2) == nside for nside in [2**n for n in range(12)]]) True >>> hp.npix2nside(1000) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Wrong pixel number (it is not 12*nside**2) """ if not isnpixok(npix): raise ValueError("Wrong pixel number (it is not 12*nside**2)") return int(np.sqrt(npix / 12.0)) def order2nside(order): """Give the nside parameter for the given resolution order. Parameters ---------- order : int the resolution order Returns ------- nside : int the nside parameter corresponding to order Notes ----- Raise a ValueError exception if order produces an nside out of range. Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.order2nside(7) 128 >>> print(hp.order2nside(np.arange(8))) [ 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128] >>> hp.order2nside(31) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 2147483648 is not a valid nside parameter (must be a power of 2, less than 2**30) """ nside = 1 << order check_nside(nside, nest=True) return nside def isnsideok(nside, nest=False): """Returns :const:`True` if nside is a valid nside parameter, :const:`False` otherwise. NSIDE needs to be a power of 2 only for nested ordering Parameters ---------- nside : int, scalar or array-like integer value to be tested Returns ------- ok : bool, scalar or array-like :const:`True` if given value is a valid nside, :const:`False` otherwise. Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.isnsideok(13, nest=True) False >>> hp.isnsideok(13, nest=False) True >>> hp.isnsideok(32) True >>> hp.isnsideok([1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16], nest=True) array([ True, True, False, True, True, True], dtype=bool) """ # we use standard bithacks from if hasattr(nside, "__len__"): if not isinstance(nside, np.ndarray): nside = np.asarray(nside) is_nside_ok = ( (nside == nside.astype( & (nside > 0) & (nside <= max_nside) ) if nest: is_nside_ok &= (nside.astype( & (nside.astype( - 1)) == 0 else: is_nside_ok = nside == int(nside) and 0 < nside <= max_nside if nest: is_nside_ok = is_nside_ok and (int(nside) & (int(nside) - 1)) == 0 return is_nside_ok def check_nside(nside, nest=False): """Raises exception is nside is not valid""" if not np.all(isnsideok(nside, nest=nest)): raise ValueError( "%s is not a valid nside parameter (must be a power of 2, less than 2**30)" % str(nside) ) def isnpixok(npix): """Return :const:`True` if npix is a valid value for healpix map size, :const:`False` otherwise. Parameters ---------- npix : int, scalar or array-like integer value to be tested Returns ------- ok : bool, scalar or array-like :const:`True` if given value is a valid number of pixel, :const:`False` otherwise Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.isnpixok(12) True >>> hp.isnpixok(768) True >>> hp.isnpixok([12, 768, 1002]) array([ True, True, False], dtype=bool) """ nside = np.sqrt(np.asarray(npix) / 12.0) return nside == np.floor(nside) def get_interp_val(m, theta, phi, nest=False, lonlat=False): """Return the bi-linear interpolation value of a map using 4 nearest neighbours. Parameters ---------- m : array-like a healpix map, accepts masked arrays theta, phi : float, scalar or array-like angular coordinates of point at which to interpolate the map nest : bool if True, the is assumed to be in NESTED ordering. lonlat : bool If True, input angles are assumed to be longitude and latitude in degree, otherwise, they are co-latitude and longitude in radians. Returns ------- val : float, scalar or arry-like the interpolated value(s), usual numpy broadcasting rules apply. See Also -------- get_interp_weights, get_all_neighbours Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.get_interp_val(np.arange(12.), np.pi/2, 0) 4.0 >>> hp.get_interp_val(np.arange(12.), np.pi/2, np.pi/2) 5.0 >>> hp.get_interp_val(np.arange(12.), np.pi/2, np.pi/2 + 2*np.pi) 5.0 >>> hp.get_interp_val(np.arange(12.), np.linspace(0, np.pi, 10), 0) array([ 1.5 , 1.5 , 1.5 , 2.20618428, 3.40206143, 5.31546486, 7.94639458, 9.5 , 9.5 , 9.5 ]) >>> hp.get_interp_val(np.arange(12.), 0, np.linspace(90, -90, 10), lonlat=True) array([ 1.5 , 1.5 , 1.5 , 2.20618428, 3.40206143, 5.31546486, 7.94639458, 9.5 , 9.5 , 9.5 ]) """ m2 = m.ravel() nside = npix2nside(m2.size) if lonlat: theta, phi = lonlat2thetaphi(theta, phi) if nest: r = pixlib._get_interpol_nest(nside, theta, phi) else: r = pixlib._get_interpol_ring(nside, theta, phi) p = np.array(r[0:4]) w = np.array(r[4:8]) del r return np.sum(m2[p] * w, 0) def get_interp_weights(nside, theta, phi=None, nest=False, lonlat=False): """Return the 4 closest pixels on the two rings above and below the location and corresponding weights. Weights are provided for bilinear interpolation along latitude and longitude Parameters ---------- nside : int the healpix nside theta, phi : float, scalar or array-like if phi is not given, theta is interpreted as pixel number, otherwise theta[rad],phi[rad] are angular coordinates nest : bool if ``True``, NESTED ordering, otherwise RING ordering. lonlat : bool If True, input angles are assumed to be longitude and latitude in degree, otherwise, they are co-latitude and longitude in radians. Returns ------- res : tuple of length 2 contains pixel numbers in res[0] and weights in res[1]. Usual numpy broadcasting rules apply. See Also -------- get_interp_val, get_all_neighbours Examples -------- Note that some of the test inputs below that are on pixel boundaries such as theta=pi/2, phi=pi/2, have a tiny value of 1e-15 added to them to make them reproducible on i386 machines using x87 floating point instruction set (see >>> import healpy as hp >>> pix, weights = hp.get_interp_weights(1, 0) >>> print(pix) [0 1 4 5] >>> weights array([ 1., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> pix, weights = hp.get_interp_weights(1, 0, 0) >>> print(pix) [1 2 3 0] >>> weights array([ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) >>> pix, weights = hp.get_interp_weights(1, 0, 90, lonlat=True) >>> print(pix) [1 2 3 0] >>> weights array([ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) >>> pix, weights = hp.get_interp_weights(1, [0, np.pi/2 + 1e-15], 0) >>> print(pix) [[ 1 4] [ 2 5] [ 3 11] [ 0 8]] >>> np.testing.assert_allclose( ... weights, ... np.array([[ 0.25, 1. ], ... [ 0.25, 0. ], ... [ 0.25, 0. ], ... [ 0.25, 0. ]]), rtol=0, atol=1e-14) """ check_nside(nside, nest=nest) if phi is None: theta, phi = pix2ang(nside, theta, nest=nest) elif lonlat: theta, phi = lonlat2thetaphi(theta, phi) if nest: r = pixlib._get_interpol_nest(nside, theta, phi) else: r = pixlib._get_interpol_ring(nside, theta, phi) p = np.array(r[0:4]) w = np.array(r[4:8]) return (p, w) def get_all_neighbours(nside, theta, phi=None, nest=False, lonlat=False): """Return the 8 nearest pixels. Parameters ---------- nside : int the nside to work with theta, phi : scalar or array-like if phi is not given or None, theta is interpreted as pixel number, otherwise, theta[rad],phi[rad] are angular coordinates nest : bool if ``True``, pixel number will be NESTED ordering, otherwise RING ordering. lonlat : bool If True, input angles are assumed to be longitude and latitude in degree, otherwise, they are co-latitude and longitude in radians. Returns ------- ipix : int, array pixel number of the SW, W, NW, N, NE, E, SE and S neighbours, shape is (8,) if input is scalar, otherwise shape is (8, N) if input is of length N. If a neighbor does not exist (it can be the case for W, N, E and S) the corresponding pixel number will be -1. See Also -------- get_interp_weights, get_interp_val Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> print(hp.get_all_neighbours(1, 4)) [11 7 3 -1 0 5 8 -1] >>> print(hp.get_all_neighbours(1, np.pi/2, np.pi/2)) [ 8 4 0 -1 1 6 9 -1] >>> print(hp.get_all_neighbours(1, 90, 0, lonlat=True)) [ 8 4 0 -1 1 6 9 -1] """ check_nside(nside, nest=nest) if phi is not None: theta = ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=nest, lonlat=lonlat) if nest: r = pixlib._get_neighbors_nest(nside, theta) else: r = pixlib._get_neighbors_ring(nside, theta) res = np.array(r[0:8]) return res def max_pixrad(nside, degrees=False): """Maximum angular distance between any pixel center and its corners Parameters ---------- nside : int the nside to work with degrees : bool if True, returns pixel radius in degrees, in radians otherwise Returns ------- rads: double angular distance (in radians or degrees) Examples -------- >>> '%.14f' % max_pixrad(1) '0.84106867056793' >>> '%.14f' % max_pixrad(16) '0.06601476143251' """ check_nside(nside, nest=False) if degrees: return np.rad2deg(pixlib._max_pixrad(nside)) return pixlib._max_pixrad(nside) def fit_dipole(m, nest=False, bad=UNSEEN, gal_cut=0): """Fit a dipole and a monopole to the map, excluding bad pixels. Parameters ---------- m : float, array-like the map to which a dipole is fitted and subtracted, accepts masked maps nest : bool if ``False`` m is assumed in RING scheme, otherwise map is NESTED bad : float bad values of pixel, default to :const:`UNSEEN`. gal_cut : float [degrees] pixels at latitude in [-gal_cut;+gal_cut] degrees are not taken into account Returns ------- res : tuple of length 2 the monopole value in res[0] and the dipole vector (as array) in res[1] See Also -------- remove_dipole, fit_monopole, remove_monopole """ m = ma_to_array(m) m = np.asarray(m) npix = m.size nside = npix2nside(npix) if nside > 128: bunchsize = npix // 24 else: bunchsize = npix aa = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.float64) v = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.float64) for ibunch in range(npix // bunchsize): ipix = np.arange(ibunch * bunchsize, (ibunch + 1) * bunchsize) ipix = ipix[(m.flat[ipix] != bad) & (np.isfinite(m.flat[ipix]))] x, y, z = pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest) if gal_cut > 0: w = np.abs(z) >= np.sin(gal_cut * np.pi / 180) ipix = ipix[w] x = x[w] y = y[w] z = z[w] del w aa[0, 0] += ipix.size aa[1, 0] += x.sum() aa[2, 0] += y.sum() aa[3, 0] += z.sum() aa[1, 1] += (x ** 2).sum() aa[2, 1] += (x * y).sum() aa[3, 1] += (x * z).sum() aa[2, 2] += (y ** 2).sum() aa[3, 2] += (y * z).sum() aa[3, 3] += (z ** 2).sum() v[0] += m.flat[ipix].sum() v[1] += (m.flat[ipix] * x).sum() v[2] += (m.flat[ipix] * y).sum() v[3] += (m.flat[ipix] * z).sum() aa[0, 1] = aa[1, 0] aa[0, 2] = aa[2, 0] aa[0, 3] = aa[3, 0] aa[1, 2] = aa[2, 1] aa[1, 3] = aa[3, 1] aa[2, 3] = aa[3, 2] res =, v) mono = res[0] dipole = res[1:4] return mono, dipole def remove_dipole( m, nest=False, bad=UNSEEN, gal_cut=0, fitval=False, copy=True, verbose=True ): """Fit and subtract the dipole and the monopole from the given map m. Parameters ---------- m : float, array-like the map to which a dipole is fitted and subtracted, accepts masked arrays nest : bool if ``False`` m is assumed in RING scheme, otherwise map is NESTED bad : float bad values of pixel, default to :const:`UNSEEN`. gal_cut : float [degrees] pixels at latitude in [-gal_cut;+gal_cut] are not taken into account fitval : bool whether to return or not the fitted values of monopole and dipole copy : bool whether to modify input map or not (by default, make a copy) verbose : bool print values of monopole and dipole call hp.disable_warnings() to disable warnings for all functions. Returns ------- res : array or tuple of length 3 if fitval is False, returns map with monopole and dipole subtracted, otherwise, returns map (array, in res[0]), monopole (float, in res[1]), dipole_vector (array, in res[2]) See Also -------- fit_dipole, fit_monopole, remove_monopole """ input_ma = is_ma(m) m = ma_to_array(m) m = np.array(m, copy=copy) npix = m.size nside = npix2nside(npix) if nside > 128: bunchsize = npix // 24 else: bunchsize = npix mono, dipole = fit_dipole(m, nest=nest, bad=bad, gal_cut=gal_cut) for ibunch in range(npix // bunchsize): ipix = np.arange(ibunch * bunchsize, (ibunch + 1) * bunchsize) ipix = ipix[(m.flat[ipix] != bad) & (np.isfinite(m.flat[ipix]))] x, y, z = pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest) m.flat[ipix] -= dipole[0] * x m.flat[ipix] -= dipole[1] * y m.flat[ipix] -= dipole[2] * z m.flat[ipix] -= mono if verbose: from . import rotator as R lon, lat = R.vec2dir(dipole, lonlat=True) amp = np.sqrt((dipole * dipole).sum()) warnings.warn( "monopole: {0:g} dipole: lon: {1:g}, lat: {2:g}, amp: {3:g}".format( mono, lon, lat, amp ) ) if is_ma: m = ma(m) if fitval: return m, mono, dipole else: return m def fit_monopole(m, nest=False, bad=UNSEEN, gal_cut=0): """Fit a monopole to the map, excluding unseen pixels. Parameters ---------- m : float, array-like the map to which a dipole is fitted and subtracted, accepts masked arrays nest : bool if ``False`` m is assumed in RING scheme, otherwise map is NESTED bad : float bad values of pixel, default to :const:`UNSEEN`. gal_cut : float [degrees] pixels at latitude in [-gal_cut;+gal_cut] degrees are not taken into account Returns ------- res: float fitted monopole value See Also -------- fit_dipole, remove_monopole, remove_monopole """ m = ma_to_array(m) m = np.asarray(m) npix = m.size nside = npix2nside(npix) if nside > 128: bunchsize = npix // 24 else: bunchsize = npix aa = v = 0.0 for ibunch in range(npix // bunchsize): ipix = np.arange(ibunch * bunchsize, (ibunch + 1) * bunchsize) ipix = ipix[(m.flat[ipix] != bad) & (np.isfinite(m.flat[ipix]))] x, y, z = pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest) if gal_cut > 0: w = np.abs(z) >= np.sin(gal_cut * np.pi / 180) ipix = ipix[w] x = x[w] y = y[w] z = z[w] del w aa += ipix.size v += m.flat[ipix].sum() mono = v / aa return mono def remove_monopole( m, nest=False, bad=UNSEEN, gal_cut=0, fitval=False, copy=True, verbose=True ): """Fit and subtract the monopole from the given map m. Parameters ---------- m : float, array-like the map to which a monopole is fitted and subtracted nest : bool if ``False`` m is assumed in RING scheme, otherwise map is NESTED bad : float bad values of pixel, default to :const:`UNSEEN`. gal_cut : float [degrees] pixels at latitude in [-gal_cut;+gal_cut] are not taken into account fitval : bool whether to return or not the fitted value of monopole copy : bool whether to modify input map or not (by default, make a copy) verbose: bool whether to print values of monopole Returns ------- res : array or tuple of length 3 if fitval is False, returns map with monopole subtracted, otherwise, returns map (array, in res[0]) and monopole (float, in res[1]) See Also -------- fit_dipole, fit_monopole, remove_dipole """ input_ma = is_ma(m) m = ma_to_array(m) m = np.array(m, copy=copy) npix = m.size nside = npix2nside(npix) if nside > 128: bunchsize = npix // 24 else: bunchsize = npix mono = fit_monopole(m, nest=nest, bad=bad, gal_cut=gal_cut) for ibunch in range(npix // bunchsize): ipix = np.arange(ibunch * bunchsize, (ibunch + 1) * bunchsize) ipix = ipix[(m.flat[ipix] != bad) & (np.isfinite(m.flat[ipix]))] x, y, z = pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest) m.flat[ipix] -= mono if verbose: warnings.warn("monopole: {0:g}".format(mono)) if input_ma: m = ma(m) if fitval: return m, mono else: return m def get_map_size(m): """Returns the npix of a given map (implicit or explicit pixelization). If map is a dict type, assumes explicit pixelization: use nside key if present, or use nside attribute if present, otherwise use the smallest valid npix given the maximum key value. otherwise assumes implicit pixelization and returns len(m). Parameters ---------- m : array-like or dict-like a map with implicit (array-like) or explicit (dict-like) pixellization Returns ------- npix : int a valid number of pixel Notes ----- In implicit pixellization, raise a ValueError exception if the size of the input is not a valid pixel number. Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> m = {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 'nside': 1} >>> print(hp.get_map_size(m)) 12 >>> m = {0: 1, 767: 1} >>> print(hp.get_map_size(m)) 768 >>> print(hp.get_map_size(np.zeros(12 * 8 ** 2))) 768 """ if isinstance(m, dict): if "nside" in m: return nside2npix(m["nside"]) elif hasattr(ma, "nside"): return nside2npix(m.nside) else: nside = get_min_valid_nside(max(m.keys()) + 1) return nside2npix(nside) else: if isnpixok(len(m)): return len(m) else: raise ValueError("Wrong pixel number (it is not 12*nside**2)") def get_min_valid_nside(npix): """Returns the minimum acceptable nside so that npix <= nside2npix(nside). Parameters ---------- npix : int a minimal number of pixel Returns ------- nside : int a valid healpix nside so that 12 * nside ** 2 >= npix Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.pixelfunc.get_min_valid_nside(355) 8 >>> hp.pixelfunc.get_min_valid_nside(768) 8 """ order = 0.5 * np.log2(npix / 12.0) return 1 << int(np.ceil(order)) def get_nside(m): """Return the nside of the given map. Parameters ---------- m : sequence the map to get the nside from. Returns ------- nside : int the healpix nside parameter of the map (or sequence of maps) Notes ----- If the input is a sequence of maps, all of them must have same size. If the input is not a valid map (not a sequence, unvalid number of pixels), a TypeError exception is raised. """ typ = maptype(m) if typ == 0: return npix2nside(len(m)) else: return npix2nside(len(m[0])) @accept_ma def ud_grade( map_in, nside_out, pess=False, order_in="RING", order_out=None, power=None, dtype=None, ): """Upgrade or degrade resolution of a map (or list of maps). in degrading the resolution, ud_grade sets the value of the superpixel as the mean of the children pixels. Parameters ---------- map_in : array-like or sequence of array-like the input map(s) (if a sequence of maps, all must have same size) nside_out : int the desired nside of the output map(s) pess : bool if ``True``, in degrading, reject pixels which contains a bad sub_pixel. Otherwise, estimate average with good pixels order_in, order_out : str pixel ordering of input and output ('RING' or 'NESTED') power : float if non-zero, divide the result by (nside_in/nside_out)**power Examples: power=-2 keeps the sum of the map invariant (useful for hitmaps), power=2 divides the mean by another factor of (nside_in/nside_out)**2 (useful for variance maps) dtype : type the type of the output map Returns ------- map_out : array-like or sequence of array-like the upgraded or degraded map(s) Examples -------- >>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.ud_grade(np.arange(48.), 1) array([ 5.5 , 7.25, 9. , 10.75, 21.75, 21.75, 23.75, 25.75, 36.5 , 38.25, 40. , 41.75]) """ check_nside(nside_out, nest=order_in != "RING") typ = maptype(map_in) if typ < 0: raise TypeError("Invalid map") if typ == 0: m_in = [map_in] else: m_in = map_in mapout = [] if order_out is None: order_out = order_in for m in m_in: if str(order_in).upper()[0:4] == "RING": m = reorder(m, r2n=True) mout = _ud_grade_core(m, nside_out, pess=pess, power=power, dtype=dtype) if str(order_out).upper()[0:4] == "RING": mout = reorder(mout, n2r=True) mapout.append(mout) if typ == 0: return mapout[0] else: return np.array(mapout) def _ud_grade_core(m, nside_out, pess=False, power=None, dtype=None): """Internal routine used by ud_grade. It assumes that the map is NESTED and single (not a list of maps) """ nside_in = get_nside(m) if dtype: type_out = dtype else: type_out = type(m[0]) check_nside(nside_out, nest=True) npix_in = nside2npix(nside_in) npix_out = nside2npix(nside_out) if power: power = float(power) ratio = (float(nside_out) / float(nside_in)) ** power else: ratio = 1 if nside_out > nside_in: rat2 = npix_out // npix_in fact = np.ones(rat2, dtype=type_out) * ratio map_out = np.outer(m, fact).reshape(npix_out) elif nside_out < nside_in: rat2 = npix_in // npix_out mr = m.reshape(npix_out, rat2) goods = ~(mask_bad(mr) | (~np.isfinite(mr))) map_out = np.sum(mr * goods, axis=1).astype(type_out) nhit = goods.sum(axis=1) if pess: badout = np.where(nhit != rat2) else: badout = np.where(nhit == 0) if power: nhit = nhit / ratio map_out[nhit != 0] = map_out[nhit != 0] / nhit[nhit != 0] try: map_out[badout] = UNSEEN except OverflowError: pass else: map_out = m return map_out.astype(type_out)