Source code for mhealpy.containers.healpix_map

# Object-oriented healpy wrapper with support for multi-resolutions maps
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import mhealpy as hp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import operator

from copy import copy,deepcopy

from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes import WCSAxes 
from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame import EllipticalFrame
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.units import Quantity, UnitBase

import numpy as np
from numpy import array, log2, sqrt

import collections

from .healpix_base import HealpixBase
import mhealpy.plot.axes
from mhealpy.plot.util import get_fig_ax, healpy_coord_to_astropy, astropy_frame_to_healpy

[docs]class HealpixMap(HealpixBase): """ Object-oriented healpy wrapper with support for multi-resolutions maps (known as multi-order coverage map, or MOC). You can instantiate a map by providing either: * Size (through ``order`` or ``nside``), and a ``scheme`` ('RING' or 'NESTED'). This will initialize an empty map. * A list of UNIQ pixels. This will initialize a MOC map. Providing the values for each pixel is optional, zero-initialized by default. * An array (in ``data``) and an a scheme ('RING' or 'NESTED'). This will initialize the contents of the single-resolution map. * A HealpixBase object. The data will be zero-initialized. .. warning:: The initialization input is not validated by default. Consider calling `is_mesh_valid()` after initialization, otherwise results might be unexpected. Regardless of the underlaying grid, you can operate on maps using ``*``, ``/``, ``+``, ``-``, ``**``, ``==`` and ``abs``. For binary operations the result always corresponds to the finest grid, so there is no loss of information. If any of the operands is a MOC, the result is a MOC with an appropiate updated grid.. If both operands have the same NSIDE, the scheme of the result corresponds to the left operand. If you want to preserve the grid for a specific operand, use ``*=``, `/=`, etc. The result of most binary operations have the same density parameter as the left-most operand, except the following cases: 1) the product of a density-like maps with a histogram-like results in histogram-like map. 2) the ratio between two histogram-like maps is a density-like map. Operations with scalars leave the map type unchanged. .. warning:: Information might degrade if you use in-place operators (e.g. ``*=``, `/=`) The maps are array-like, that is, the can be casted into a regular numpy array (as used by healpy), are iterable (over the pixel values) and can be used with built-in function such as ``sum`` and ``max``. You can also access the value of pixels using regular numpy indexing with ``[]``. For MOC maps, no specific pixel ordering is guaranted. For a given pixel number ``ipix`` in the current grid, you can get the corresponding UNIQ pixel number using ``m.pix2uniq(ipix)``. Args: data (array): Values to initialize map. Zero-initialized it not provided. The map NSIDE is deduced from the array size, unless ``uniq`` is specified in which case this is considered a multi-resolution map. uniq (array or HealpixBase): List of NUNIQ pixel number to initialize a MOC map. order (int): Order of HEALPix map. nside (int): Alternatively, you can specify the NSIDE parameter. scheme (str): Healpix scheme. Either 'RING', 'NESTED' or 'NUNIQ' base (HealpixBase): Specify the grid using a HealpixBase object density (bool): Whether the value of each pixel should be treated as counts in a histogram (``False``) or as the value of a [density] function evaluated at the center of the pixel (``True``). This affect operations involving the splitting of a pixel. dtype (array): Numpy data type. Will be ignored if data is provided. coordsys (BaseFrameRepresentation or str): Instrinsic coordinates of the map. Either ‘G’ (Galactic), ‘E’ (Ecliptic) , ‘C’ (Celestial = Equatorial) or any other coordinate frame recognized by astropy. """ def __init__(self, data = None, uniq = None, order = None, nside = None, scheme = 'ring', base = None, density = False, dtype = None, coordsys = None, unit = None): """ Initialize an empty (use either nside or order) or initialized """ if data is not None: # Initializes map contents # Initialize base if uniq is not None or base is not None: #MOC super().__init__(uniq = uniq, base = base, coordsys = coordsys) if len(data) != self.npix: raise ValueError("Data size mismatch.") else: # Single resolution. From array size itself nside = hp.npix2nside(len(data)) super().__init__(nside = nside, scheme = scheme, coordsys = coordsys) # Set data self._data = array(data) else: # Empty map super().__init__(uniq = uniq, order = order, nside = nside, scheme = scheme, base = base, coordsys = coordsys) self._data = np.zeros(self.npix, dtype=dtype) # Other properties self._density = density if unit is not None and unit != "unknown": self._unit = u.Unit(unit) else: self._unit = None @property def unit(self): return self._unit
[docs] def to(self, unit, equivalencies=[], update = True, copy = True): """ Return a map with converted units Args: unit (unit-like): Unit to convert to. equivalencies (list or tuple): A list of equivalence pairs to try if the units are not directly convertible. update (bool): If ``update`` is ``False``, only the units will be changed without updating the contents accordingly copy (bool): If True (default), then the value is copied. Otherwise, a copy will only be made if necessary. """ # Copy if copy: new = deepcopy(self) else: new = self # If no conversion is needed if not update: if unit is None: new._unit = None else: new._unit = u.Unit(unit) return # Compute factor if new.unit is None: if unit is None or unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled: factor = 1 else: TypeError("Map without units") else: factor =, equivalencies = equivalencies) # Update values new *= factor # Update units new._unit = unit return new
[docs] @classmethod def read_map(cls, filename, field = None, uniq_field = 0, hdu = 1, density = False): """ Read a HEALPix map from a FITS file. Args: filename (Path): Path to file field (int): Column where the map contents are. Default: 0 for single-resolution maps, 1 for MOC maps. uniq_field (int): Column where the UNIQ pixel numbers are. For MOC maps only. hdu (int): The header number to look at. Starts at 0. density (bool): Whether this is a histogram-like or a density-like map. Return: HealpixMap """ with as hdul: hdu = hdul[hdu] scheme = hdu.header["ORDERING"] coordsys = None if "COORDSYS" in hdu.header: coordsys = hdu.header["COORDSYS"] if scheme == 'NUNIQ': # Is MOC if field is None: field = 1 uniq = contents = unit = hdu.columns[field].unit m = cls(data = contents, uniq = uniq, density = density, coordsys = coordsys, unit = unit) else: # Sigle resolution if field is None: field = 0 unit = hdu.columns[field].unit m = cls(data =, scheme=scheme, coordsys = coordsys, unit = unit) return m
[docs] def get_fits_hdu(self, extra_maps = None, column_names = None, ): """ Build HDU needed to store map in a FITS file Args: extra_maps (HealpixMap or array): Save more maps in the same file as extra columns. Must be conformable. column_names (str or array): Name of colums. Must have the same length as the number for maps. Defaults to 'CONTENTSn', where ``n`` is the map number (ommited for a single map). For MOC maps, the pixel information is always stored in the first column, called 'UNIQ'. Return: """ # Standarize data for astropy's Table if self.is_moc: # IVOA specifies pixels must be in ascending UNIQ order usort = np.argsort(self._uniq) data = [self._uniq[usort], self._data[usort]] else: data = [self._data] units = [self.unit] # Add extra maps if extra_maps is not None: if isinstance(extra_maps, HealpixMap): extra_maps = (extra_maps,) for map in extra_maps: if not self.conformable(map): raise ValueError("All extra maps must be conformable") if map.is_moc: data.append(map._data[usort]) else: data.append(map._data) units.append(map.unit) # Column names nmaps = len(data) - self.is_moc if column_names is not None: if isinstance(column_names, str): column_names = [column_names] if len(column_names) != nmaps: raise ValueError("Colum names must match the number of maps.") else: if nmaps > 1: column_names = ["CONTENTS{}".format(i) for i in range(nmaps)] else: column_names = ["CONTENTS"] if self.is_moc: column_names.insert(0, 'UNIQ') units.insert(0, None) # Header header = [('PIXTYPE', 'HEALPIX', 'HEALPIX pixelisation'), ('ORDERING', self.scheme, 'Pixel ordering scheme: RING, NESTED, or NUNIQ'), ('NSIDE', self.nside, 'Resolution parameter of HEALPIX'), ('INDXSCHM', 'EXPLICIT' if self.is_moc else 'IMPLICIT', 'Indexing: IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT')] coordsys = astropy_frame_to_healpy(self.coordsys) if self.coordsys is not None: header.extend([('COORDSYS', coordsys, 'Celestial (C), Galactic (G) or Ecliptic (E)')]) if self.is_moc: header.extend([('MOCORDER', self.order, 'Best resolution order')]) # Prepare table and write table = Table(data, names = column_names, units = units) hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(table) hdu.header.extend(header) return hdu
[docs] def write_map(self, filename, extra_maps = None, column_names = None, extra_header = None, overwrite = False): """ Write map to disc. Args: filename (Path): Path to output file extra_maps (HealpixMap or array): Save more maps in the same file as extra columns. Must be conformable. column_names (str or array): Name of colums. Must have the same length as the number for maps. Defaults to 'CONTENTSn', where ``n`` is the map number (ommited for a single map). For MOC maps, the pixel information is always stored in the first column, called 'UNIQ'. extra_header (iterable): Iterable of (keyword, value, [comment]) tuples overwrite (bool): If True, overwrite the output file if it exists. Raises an OSError if False and the output file exists. """ hdu = self.get_fits_hdu(extra_maps = extra_maps, column_names = column_names) if extra_header is not None: hdu.header.extend(extra_header) hdulist = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), hdu]) hdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite = overwrite)
[docs] @classmethod def adaptive_moc_mesh(cls, max_nside, split_fun, density = False, dtype = None, coordsys = None, unit = None): """ Return a zero-initialized MOC map, with an adaptive resolution determined by an arbitrary function. Args: max_nside (int): Maximum HEALPix nside to consider split_fun (function): This method should return ``True`` if a pixel should be split into pixel of a higher order, and ``False`` otherwise. It takes two integers, ``start`` (inclusive) and ``stop`` (exclusive), which correspond to a single pixel in nested rangeset format for a map of nside ``max_nside``. density (bool): Will be pass to HealpixMap initialization. dtype (dtype): Data type coordsys (BaseFrameRepresentation or str): Assigns a coordinate system to the map Return: HealpixMap """ base = HealpixBase.adaptive_moc_mesh(max_nside, split_fun) return cls(data = np.zeros(base.npix, dtype = dtype), uniq = base._uniq, density = density, coordsys = coordsys, unit = unit)
[docs] @classmethod def moc_from_pixels(cls, nside, pixels, nest = False, density = False, dtype = None, coordsys = None, unit = None): """ Return a zero-initialize MOC map where a list of pixels are kept at a given nside, and every other pixel is appropiately downsampled. Also see the more generic ``adaptive_moc_mesh()``. Args: nside (int): Maximum healpix NSIDE (that is, the NSIDE for the pixel order list) pixels (array): Pixels that must be kept at the finest pixelation nest (bool): Whether the pixels are a 'NESTED' or 'RING' scheme density (bool): Wheather the map is density-like or histogram-like dtype: Daty type coordsys (BaseFrameRepresentation or str): Assigns a coordinate system to the map """ base = HealpixBase.moc_from_pixels(nside, pixels, nest = nest) return cls(data = np.zeros(base.npix, dtype = dtype), uniq = base._uniq, density = density, coordsys = coordsys, unit = unit)
[docs] @classmethod def moc_histogram(cls, nside, samples, max_value, nest = False, weights = None, coordsys = None, unit = None): """ Generate an adaptive MOC map by histogramming samples. If the number of samples is greater than the number of pixels in a map of the input ``nside``, consider generating a single-resolution map and then use `to_moc()`. Also see the more generic ``adaptive_moc_mesh()``. Args: nside (int): Healpix NSIDE of the samples and maximum NSIDE of the output map samples (int array): List of pixels representing the samples. e.g. the output of `healpy.ang2pix()`. max_value: maximum number of samples (or sum of weights) per pixel. Note that due to limitations of the input ``nside``, the output could contain pixels with a value largen than this nest (bool): Whether the samples are in NESTED or RING scheme weights (array): Optionally weight the samples. Both must have the same size. coordsys (BaseFrameRepresentation or str): Assigns a coordinate system to the map Return: HealpixMap """ # Standarize samples if not nest: samples = array([hp.ring2nest(nside, pix) for pix in samples]) if weights: samples = np.rec.fromarrays([samples, weights], names = ['pix', 'wgt']) else: samples = np.rec.fromarrays([samples], names = ['pix']) samples.sort(order = 'pix') # Get empty mesh by reusing adaptive_moc_mesh def value_fun(start, stop): start_pos, stop_pos = np.searchsorted(samples.pix, [start, stop]) if weights: value = sum(samples.wgt[start_pos:stop_pos]) else: value = stop_pos - start_pos return value if weights: dtype = array(weights).dtype else: dtype = int moc_map = cls.adaptive_moc_mesh(nside, lambda i,f: value_fun(i,f) > max_value, density = False, dtype = dtype, coordsys = coordsys, unit = unit) # Fill rangesets = moc_map.pix_rangesets(hp.MAX_NSIDE) for pix,(start,stop) in enumerate(rangesets): moc_map[pix] = value_fun(start // moc_map._npix_ratio_max, stop // moc_map._npix_ratio_max) return moc_map
[docs] def to_moc(self, max_value): """ Convert a single-resolution map into a MOC based on the maximum value a given pixel the latter should have. .. note:: The maximum nside of the MOC map is the same as the nside of the single-resolution map, so the output map could contain pixels with a value greater than this. If the map is already a MOC map, it will recompute the grid accordingly by combining uniq pixels. Uniq pixels are never split. Also see the more generic ``adaptive_moc_mesh()``. Args: max_value: Maximum value per pixel of the MOC. Whether the map is histogram-like or density-like is taken into account. Return: HealpixMap """ max_value = self._strip_units(max_value) # Get empty mesh by reusing adaptive_moc_mesh if self.is_moc or self.is_ring: # MOC map, will work in rangesets rs, rs_argsort = self.pix_rangesets(self.nside, argsort = True) def _nest2pix(start,stop): # Same as nest2pix but avoids recomputing the rangesets and sorting return np.searchsorted(rs.start, [start,stop], sorter = rs_argsort) def value_fun(start, stop): start_pos, stop_pos = _nest2pix(start, stop) pix = rs_argsort[start_pos:stop_pos] if self._density: # Weighted average value = sum((rs.stop[pix]-rs.start[pix])*self._data[pix]) / pix.size else: # Simple sum value = sum(self._data[pix]) return value def split_fun(start,stop): start_pos, stop_pos = _nest2pix(start, stop) if stop_pos - start_pos == 1: # A single pixel, don't split return False else: pix = rs_argsort[start_pos:stop_pos] if self._density: return max(self._data[pix]) > max_value else: return sum(self._data[pix]) > max_value else: # Single resolution map def value_fun(start, stop): value = sum(self._data[start:stop]) if self._density: value /= stop-start return value def split_fun(start, stop): if self._density: return max(self._data[start:stop]) > max_value else: return value_fun(start,stop) > max_value moc_map = self.adaptive_moc_mesh(self.nside, split_fun, density = self._density, dtype = self.dtype, unit = self.unit) # Fill rangesets = moc_map.pix_rangesets(self.nside) if self.unit is None: for pix,(start,stop) in enumerate(rangesets): moc_map[pix] = value_fun(start, stop) else: for pix,(start,stop) in enumerate(rangesets): moc_map[pix] = value_fun(start, stop) * self.unit return moc_map
[docs] def density(self, density = None, update = True): """ Switch between a density-like map and a histogram-like map. Args: density (bool or None): Whether the value of each pixel should be treated as counts in a histogram (``False``) or as the value of a [density] function evaluated at the center of the pixel (``True``). This affect operations involving the splitting of a pixel. ``None`` will leave this paramter unchanged. update (bool): If True, the values of the map will be updated accordingly. Otherwise only the density parameter is changed. .. note:: The ``updat=True`` the pixels values are divided/multiplied by their effective number of pixels rather than their solid angle area. In order to achieve this scale the map by `1/m.pixarea()` Return: bool: The current density """ if density is not None: if self._density != density: self._density = density if update: if self.is_moc: ranges = self.pix_rangesets(self.nside) factor = ranges.stop - ranges.start else: factor = 1 if density: # From histogram-like to density-like self._data = self._data / factor else: # From density-like to histogram-like self._data = self._data * factor return self._density
@property def data(self): """ Get the raw data in the form of an array. """ return self._data @property def dtype(self): return self._data.dtype def __eq__(self, other): return (self.conformable(other) and np.array_equal(self._data, other._data) and self._density == other._density and self.unit == other.unit) def __getitem__(self, key): if self.unit is None: return self._data[key] else: return self._data[key]*self.unit def _strip_units(self, quantity): if isinstance(quantity, u.Quantity): if quantity.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled: return quantity.value if self.unit is None: return u.UnitConversionError("Map without units") return quantity.to_value(self.unit) elif isinstance(quantity, u.UnitBase): if quantity == u.dimensionless_unscaled: # Do no crash is self.unit is None return 1 return else: if self.unit is not None: raise u.UnitConversionError("Specify units") return quantity def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._data[key] = self._strip_units(value) def __imul__(self, other): return self._ioperation(other, operator.imul) def __mul__(self, other): return self._operation(other, operator.mul) def __rmul__(self, other): return self._roperation(other, operator.mul) def __itruediv__(self, other): return self._ioperation(other, operator.itruediv) def __truediv__(self, other): return self._operation(other, operator.truediv) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self._roperation(other, operator.truediv) def __ifloordiv__(self, other): return self._ioperation(other, operator.ifloordiv) def __floordiv__(self, other): return self._operation(other, operator.floordiv) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return self._roperation(other, operator.floordiv) def __iadd__(self, other): return self._ioperation(other, operator.iadd) def __add__(self, other): return self._operation(other, operator.add) def __radd__(self, other): return self._roperation(other, operator.add) def __isub__(self, other): return self._ioperation(other, operator.isub) def __sub__(self, other): return self._operation(other, operator.sub) def __rsub__(self, other): return self._roperation(other, operator.sub) def __ipow__(self, other): return self._ioperation(other, operator.ipow) def __pow__(self, other): return self._operation(other, operator.pow) def __neg__(self): new = deepcopy(self) new._data *= -1 return new def __abs__(self): new = deepcopy(self) new._data = np.abs(new._data) return new def __array__(self): return self._data def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs): # Take care of units. Leave all other classes alone. args = tuple([a if not isinstance(a, self.__class__) else self._data if self.unit is None else self._data * self.unit for a in args]) return getattr(ufunc, method)(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def rasterize(self, nside = None, scheme = 'ring', uniq = None, order = None, npix = None, base = None): """ Convert to map of a given NSIDE and scheme, or any arbitrary MOC mesh. Args: uniq (array): Explicit numbering of each pixel in an "NUNIQ" scheme. Order (int): Order of HEALPix map. nside (int): Alternatively, you can specify the NSIDE parameter. npix (int): Alternatively, you can specify the total number of pixels. scheme (str): Healpix scheme. Either 'RING', 'NESTED' or 'NUNIQ' base (HealpixBase): Alternatively, you can copy the properties of another HealpixBase object Return: HealpixMap """ base = HealpixBase(uniq = uniq, order = order, nside = nside, npix = npix, scheme = scheme, coordsys = self.coordsys, base = base) if self.conformable(base): # Same grid, nothing to do return deepcopy(self) else: # All other case can be handled with the identity operation raster = HealpixMap(base = base, density = self._density, unit = self.unit) raster._ioperation(self, lambda a,b: b) return raster
@staticmethod def _density_operation(map0, map1, operation): """ Get the density parameter resulting from a binary operation """ if operation in [operator.add, operator.iadd, operator.sub, operator.isub]: # +/- # Either a well-defined operation between the same density parameter # or default to the left-most operand return map0._density elif operation in [operator.mul, operator.imul]: # * if map0._density != map1._density: # A histogram times a density is a [weighted] histogram return False else: # Both are the same type. # Density*density is well defined and result in density # Return left-most for ill-deined histogram*histogram return map0._density elif operation in [operator.truediv, operator.itruediv, operator.floordiv, operator.ifloordiv]: # / if not (map0._density or map1._density): # Ratio of two histogram-like maps is a density return True else: return map0._density else: # Identity (rasterizer), **, other (?) # Return left-most. return map0._density def _roperation(self, other, operation): if not np.isscalar(other): raise ValueError("Operations can only occur between maps or a " "map and a scalar") m = deepcopy(self) m._data = operation(other, m._data) return m def _operation(self, map1, operation): # If second is not a map (e.g. scalar or array), we'll keep the grid # If any map is MOC, result will be MOC. Grid is updated. # If both are single-resolution, result will have the finest grid # If both are single resolution and same order, scheme will correspond # to first operand # If maps are conformable, the output grid remains unchanged map0 = self if np.ndim(map1) == 0: # Operation by a scalar map0 = deepcopy(map0) map0._ioperation(map1, operation) return map0 else: # Get the value part of map1 and the new unit the result should have map1,new_unit = map0._unit_operation(map1, operation) # Cast to HealpixMap if needed if not isinstance(map1, HealpixMap): map1, unit1 = self._to_value_unit(map1) map1 = HealpixMap(data = map1, base = self, density = True, coordsys = self.coordsys) # Temporarily disable unit conversion in [] map1_unit = map1.unit map1._unit = None map0._unit = None # Check coordsys if map0.coordsys is None or map1.coordsys is None: equiv_coordsys = map0.coordsys is map1.coordsys else: equiv_coordsys = map0.coordsys == map1.coordsys if not equiv_coordsys: raise ValueError("All maps must have the same coordinate system") # Optimize for different cases if (map0.is_moc or map1.is_moc) and not map0.conformable(map1): # Multi-resolution map # This will change the underlaying NUNIQ grid # Convert pixel numbers to an equivalent sorted list of nested # rangeset for highest posible order max_nside = max(map0.nside, map1.nside) rs0, sort0 = map0.pix_rangesets(max_nside, argsort = True) rs1, sort1 = map1.pix_rangesets(max_nside, argsort = True) # Initialize new data with highest possible number of pixels, # some will be discarded at the end but this is fasten than append new_uniq = np.zeros(map0.npix + map1.npix, dtype = int) new_data = np.zeros(map0.npix + map1.npix, dtype = map0._data.dtype) pos0 = 0 pos1 = 0 pix_new = 0 start = 0 # Rangeset start of new pixel while pos0 < map0.npix and pos1 < map1.npix: # Get input values pix0 = sort0[pos0] range0 = rs0[pix0] value0 = map0[pix0] pix1 = sort1[pos1] range1 = rs1[pix1] value1 = map1[pix1] stop = min(range0[1], range1[1]) # Rangeset stop of new pixel # Handle density maps npix_new = stop - start if not map0._density: npix_ratio0 = npix_new / (range0[1]-range0[0]) value0 = value0 * npix_ratio0 if not map1._density: npix_ratio1 = npix_new / (range1[1]-range1[0]) value1 = value1 * npix_ratio1 # Operation value = operation(value0, value1) new_uniq[pix_new] = hp.range2uniq(max_nside, (start, stop)) new_data[pix_new] = value # Advance to next pixel pix_new += 1 if stop == range0[1]: pos0 += 1 if stop == range1[1]: pos1 += 1 start = stop # Update density parameter new_density = self._density_operation(map0, map1, operation) # Restore units in other map1._unit = map1_unit # Create new map return HealpixMap(new_data[:pix_new], new_uniq[:pix_new], density = new_density, coordsys = self.coordsys, unit = new_unit) else: # Single-resolution or conformable, can reuse in-place operation # Compute new density before possible change of left-most operand new_density = self._density_operation(map0, map1, operation) if map1.order > map0.order: map0,map1 = map1,map0 map0 = deepcopy(map0) map0 = map0._ioperation(map1, operation) map0.density(new_density, False) return map0 def _ioperation(self, map1, operation): map0 = self # Get the value part of map1 and the new unit the result should have map1,new_unit = map0._unit_operation(map1, operation) if np.ndim(map1) == 0: # Operation by a scalar map0._data = operation(map0._data, map1) else: # Operation by another map or something that can be turned into a map # Cast to HealpixMap if needed if not isinstance(map1, HealpixMap): map1 = HealpixMap(data = map1, base = self, density = True, coordsys = self.coordsys) # Temporarily disable unit conversion in [] map1_unit = map1.unit map1._unit = None map0._unit = None # Check coordsys if map0.coordsys is None or map1.coordsys is None: equiv_coordsys = map0.coordsys is map1.coordsys else: equiv_coordsys = map0.coordsys == map1.coordsys if not equiv_coordsys: raise ValueError("All maps must have the same coordinate system") # Optimize procedure for various situations if map0.conformable(map1): # Same underlaying grid, so easy operation map0._data = operation(map0._data, map1._data) elif ((map0.is_moc or map1.is_moc) or ((map0.is_ring or map1.is_ring) and map0.order != map1.order)): # There is no clear optimization in this case # Will work in the rangeset representation max_nside = max(map0.nside, map1.nside) rs0, sort0 = map0.pix_rangesets(max_nside, argsort = True) pos0 = 0 rs1, sort1 = map1.pix_rangesets(max_nside, argsort = True) pos1 = 0 while pos0 < map0.npix and pos1 < map1.npix: pix0 = sort0[pos0] range0 = rs0[pix0] len0 = range0[1] - range0[0] pix1 = sort1[pos1] range1 = rs1[pix1] len1 = range1[1] - range1[0] if len0 > len1: # Downgrade pix1 by getting summing over child pixels # (or weighted average, for a density map) value0 = map0[pix0] value1 = 0 while True: # Will break when we catch up with map0 if map1._density: # Will take the weighted average value1 += len1 * map1[pix1] else: # Simple sum value1 += map1[pix1] if range0[1] == range1[1]: break pos1 += 1 pix1 = sort1[pos1] range1 = rs1[pix1] len1 = range1[1] - range1[0] if map1._density: value1 /= len0 map0[pix0] = operation(value0, value1) else: # Upgrade pix1 by dividing it up # (or simply getting the value for density) while True: # Will break when we catch up with map1 value1 = map1[pix1] if not map1._density: value1 /= len1 // len0 value0 = map0[pix0] map0[pix0] = operation(value0, value1) if range0[1] == range1[1]: break pos0 += 1 pix0 = sort0[pos0] range0 = rs0[pix0] len0 = range0[1] - range0[0] pos0 += 1 pos1 += 1 elif map0.order == map1.order: # Same order, different scheme, single-resolution nside = map0.nside if map0.scheme == 'NESTED': # map1 is RING, map0 is NESTED for pix in range(map0.npix): map0[pix] = operation(map0[pix], map1[hp.nest2ring(nside, pix)]) else: # map1 is NESTED, map0 is RING for pix in range(map0.npix): map0[pix] = operation(map0[pix], map1[hp.ring2nest(nside, pix)]) else: # Only possibility left is that both are NESTED with different # order, which is easy to handle if map1.order > map0.order: # Downgrade map1 by summing or getting the weighted average npix_ratio = int(4**(map1.order - map0.order)) for pix in range(map0.npix): value1 = sum(map1._data[pix*npix_ratio:(pix+1)*npix_ratio]) if map1._density: value1 /= npix_ratio map0._data[pix] = operation(map0._data[pix], value1) else: # Upgrade map1 by splitting the pixel # (or just use the value if density) npix_ratio = int(4**(map0.order - map1.order)) for pix in range(map1.npix): value1 = map1._data[pix] if not map1._density: value1 /= npix_ratio pix0_start = pix*npix_ratio pix0_stop = pix0_start + npix_ratio map0._data[pix0_start: pix0_stop] = \ operation(map0._data[pix0_start: pix0_stop], value1) # Update density parameter new_density = self._density_operation(map0, map1, operation) map0.density(new_density, False) # Restore units in other map1._unit = map1_unit # Update units map0._unit = new_unit return map0 def _unit_operation(self, other, operation): """ Get the value part of the other operand and the new unit of the map """ # Separate between value and unit if isinstance(other, HealpixMap): other_unit = other.unit other_value = other # It will be handled as a regular HealpixMap elif isinstance(other, Quantity): other_unit = other.unit other_value = other.value elif isinstance(other, UnitBase): other_unit = other other_value = 1 else: # float, int, array, list other_unit = None other_value = np.array(other) if self.unit is None and other_unit is None: # If neither operand have units, do nothing else return other_value, None # Adjust other_value and self.unit depending on the operand # Standarize dimensionless if other_unit is None: other_unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled old_unit = self.unit if old_unit is None: old_unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled # For * and / the conversion factor is stored in the unit itself # ** only accepts scalar dimensionaless quantities, it will crash anyway # The idencity operator (for the raterizer) doesn't use the other's units if operation in [operator.add, operator.iadd, operator.sub, operator.isub]: # +, - # We need to correct the value by the conversion unit # No change in units other_value = other_value * new_unit = old_unit elif operation in [operator.mul, operator.imul, operator.truediv, operator.itruediv, operator.floordiv, operator.ifloordiv]: # *, / # The conversion factor is stored in the unit itself new_unit = operation(old_unit, other_unit) elif operation in [operator.ipow, operator.pow]: # ** # The unit is also raised to the same power, including the value # Only works with scalar dimensionsless quantities new_unit = operation(old_unit, other) else: # identity (rasterizer), other (?) # No change in units. # Do not adjust other_value new_unit = old_unit return other_value, new_unit
[docs] def get_wcs_img(self, wcs, coord = None, rasterize = True): """ Rasterize map into a set of WCS axes. Args: wcs (WCS or WCSAxes): Astropy's WCSAxes to plot the map. Either an existing instance or the name of a registered projection. coord (str): Instrinsic coordinates of the map. Either ‘G’ (Galactic), ‘E’ (Ecliptic) , ‘C’ (Celestial = Equatorial) or any other coordinate frame recognized by astropy. The default is 'C' unless ``coordsys`` is defined. This option overrides ``coordsys`` rasterize (bool): If True, the resulting image is equivalent to having called ``rasterize()`` before plotting. This only affects multi-resolution histogram-like maps. Return: array """ if isinstance(wcs, WCSAxes): wcs = wcs.wcs if not isinstance(wcs, WCS): raise ValueError("Not a WCS or WCSAxes.") coord = self._default_coordsys(coord) # Get values class rasterizer: """ This is a wrapper around [], that will divide the value of the pixel if the map is MOC and histogram-like. This will give the same result as calling rasterize() first and then plotting the equivalent single-resolution map """ def __init__(self, map): = map def __getitem__(self, pix): if and not # Histogram-like MOC, will divide the pixel pix_nside = hp.uniq2nside([pix]) pix_order = log2(pix_nside) npix_ratio = 4 ** ( - pix_order) return[pix] / npix_ratio else: # Single resolution or density MOC, nothing to do return[pix] if rasterize: effmap = rasterizer(self) else: effmap = self yind, xind = np.indices(wcs.array_shape) ang = wcs.pixel_to_world(xind, yind) try: ang = ang.transform_to(coord) except Exception as e: logger.warn(f"Failed to transform from '{}' to '{}'. " f"Rasterizing in '{}' frame. " f"ERROR: {e}") ang = ang.represent_as('unitspherical') lon, lat = ang.lon.rad, out_pix = np.logical_and(np.isnan(lat), np.isnan(lon)) in_pix = np.logical_not(out_pix) pix = np.empty(wcs.array_shape, dtype = int) pix[in_pix] = self.ang2pix(np.pi/2-lat[in_pix], lon[in_pix]) img = np.empty(wcs.array_shape) img[out_pix] = np.nan img[in_pix] = effmap[pix[in_pix]] return img
[docs] def plot(self, ax = 'mollview', ax_kw = {}, rasterize = True, coord = None, cbar = True, **kwargs): """ Plot map. This is a wrapper for matplotlib.pyplot.imshow Args: ax (WCSAxes or str): Astropy's WCSAxes to plot the map. Either an existing instance or the name of a registered projection. ax_kw (dict): Extra arguments if a new axes needs to be created. rasterize (bool): If True, the resulting image is equivalent to having called ``rasterize()`` before plotting. This only affects multi-resolution histogram-like maps. coord (str): Instrinsic coordinates of the map. Either ‘G’ (Galactic), ‘E’ (Ecliptic) , ‘C’ (Celestial = Equatorial) or any other coordinate frame recognized by astropy. The default is 'C' unless ``coordsys`` is defined. This option overrides ``coordsys`` cbar (bool): Whether to plot the colorbar. **kwargs: Passed to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow Return: AxesImage, WCSAxes: The first return value corresponds to the output ``imgshow``. The second is the astropy WCSAxes object used. """ # Standarize axes and figure fig,ax = get_fig_ax(ax, **ax_kw) # Plot img = self.get_wcs_img(ax, coord = coord, rasterize = rasterize) plot = ax.imshow(img, **kwargs) if cbar: fig.colorbar(plot, ax = ax, orientation = 'horizontal', pad = .05, fraction = .1, shrink = .5, aspect = 25) return plot, ax
[docs] def get_interp_val(self, theta, phi = None, lonlat = False): """ Return the bi-linear interpolation value of a map using 4 nearest neighbours. For MOC maps, this is equivalent to raterizing the map first to the highest order. Args: theta (float, array or SkyCoord): Zenith angle (rad) phi (float or array): Azimuth angle (rad) Return: scalar or array """ pixels,weights = self.get_interp_weights(theta, phi, lonlat = lonlat) values = self[pixels] if self.is_moc and not self._density: # Split the pixels up to corresponding maximum order nside = hp.uniq2nside(self._uniq[pixels]) npix_ratio = int(4**self.order) / nside / nside values = values / npix_ratio return np.matmul(weights, values)
[docs] def moc_sort(self): """ Sort the uniq pixels composing a MOC map based on its rangeset representation """ if not self.is_moc: return rs, rs_argsort = self.pix_rangesets(hp.MAX_NSIDE, argsort = True) self._uniq = self._uniq[rs_argsort] self._data = self._data[rs_argsort] if self._pix_rangesets is not None: self._pix_rangesets = self._pix_rangesets[rs_argsort] if self._pix_rangesets_argsort is not None: self._pix_rangesets_argsort = np.arange(self.npix)